AOK is AWK plus objects

Adds some simple abstract data types to AWK. Also offers nested data structures. By Tim Menzies

Contents: things | tutorial

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(For instalation notes, see end of file.)

AOK is a pre-processor to AWK code that adds:

As an example of the last point,

expands to


By the way, the magic text substitution for implementing the above is:

gensub( /\.([a-zA-Z_])([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/, 

The following magic function creates a nested list attached at position key in array lst.

function have(lst,key,fun)   { 
  delete lst[key][1]
  if (fun)

If the constructor function fun is supplied, then that constructor is called to install nested structure to lst[key]. If those constructors also call have then arbitrary nested structures can be initialized.

For a simple example, the following Symbol constructor initializes something that tracks string frequency. Also, it keeps a handle on the most frquent string seen so far (the mode). The interface to Symbols is the Symbol1 function.

function Symbol(i) {
  i.mode = ""
  i.most = 0
function Symbol1(i,str,     n) {
  n = ++i.counts[str]
  if (n > i.most) {
    i.mode = str
    i.most = n

For an example of nested construction, consider the NumberFarcade class. This object uses three nested objects that can watch over a very long stream of data:

The constructor function for NumberFarcade looks like this:

function NumberFarcade(i) {
  have(i,"sample",  "Sample")
  have(i,"num",     "Number")
function NumberFarcade1(i,v) {
  if (Sample1(i.sample, v)) {
    Number1(i.num, v)

The interface to this object is the NumberFarcade1 function which throws values v to the Sample object. It it reports that this value was kept, then we update the Remedian and Number object.

function Sample(i,     most) {
  i.most= most ? most : 64 # keep up to 64 items
  have(i,"all")            # i.all holds the kept values
function Sample1(i,v,    
                 added,len) {
  if (len < i.most) { # if the cache is not full, add in "v"
  } else if (rand() < len/i.n) { # else, sometimes, add "v"
    i.all[ int(len*rand()) + 1 ] = v
  return added    # report if anything was added

The Number object uses an algorithm from Knuth to incrementally maintans a value for

The inteface to Number objects is the Number1 function:

function Number(i) {
  i.hi  = -1e32
  i.lo  =  1e32
  i.bins= 5
  i.n   = = i.m2 = = 0
function Number1(i,v,          delta) {
  v    += 0
  i.n  += 1
  i.lo  = v < i.lo ? v : i.lo 
  i.hi  = v > i.hi ? v : i.hi 
  delta = v - += delta/i.n
  i.m2 += delta*(
  if (i.n > 1)
 = (i.m2/(i.n-1))^0.5

The Remedian object accumulates some numbers, works out their median, then passes that to a recusive Remedian object. This means that, n levels in, that object holds the median of the median of the median (n levels in). Consquently, a linear list of size n*k can hold the median of an exponential set of kn numbers.

function Remedian(i,   k) {
  i.k = k ? k : 128
  i._median = ""
function Remedian1(i, v)  {
  if (length(i.all) == i.k) {
    if (!length(i.more)) 
    i._median = median(i.all)
    Remedian1(i.more, i._median)
function Remedians(i) {
  if (length(i.more))  
     return Remedians(i.more)
  if (i._median == "") 
    i._median = median(i.all)
  return i._median
function empty(a) { split("",a,"") }

Install, configure, test

Get the code

To configure, edit the file aok.rc. Here’s my current file:

MyName="'Tim Menzies'"
Tmp=_var/tmp # where to write temporaroes
Docs=docs    # where to write the generated markdown files
Awk=_var/awk # where to keep the generated awk files

Ensure the file aok is executable

chmod +a aok

To see if this runs, try

./aok libok

If that works, you should see some test output like:

_ltgt	1	1
_ltgt	0	0
_ltgt	1	1
_ltgt	0	0
_med	5.5	5.5
_med	4.5	4.5
_med	2	2
_med	4	4

To write your own code:

Your file should look like this:

# /* vim: set filetype=awk ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et : */


## My First File

How does this look.


@include "lib"

BEGIN { yourcodeStartshere() }

Then see if it runs

./aok x.aok